Friday, November 30, 2012

17 Weeks!


This week has been good!  I slept though the night (without peeing) twice and I'm loving my SNOOGLE body pillow (  I have also officially popped and have gained a total of 10 pounds.  I hope that is on pace to only gaining 25... I'm slightly nervous that I'm ahead of myself.  Eating is just so much fun!!!  And I always want too.  I have been eating good (healthy) but I haven't had the energy or ability to workout how I used to so it all catches up.  I WILL start doing more cardio this month!!!  I don't think I look like I'm gaining anywhere but baby (I hope).

Eric couldn't be at this appointment so I had to record the baby's heartbeat for him (and our moms)!  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Photo Fun!

Thanks to my friend, and mother of two, I have this chalkboard to log my weeks!  Its fun thinking of what to say or draw.  I plan to keep up on it but who knows if it will happen each week.  It makes a cute journal :)

We still haven't decided if we are going to find out and the Ultrasound is in 10 days!
I had to get Eric in a picture :o)... Holding Week by Week.

GUM without Aspartame!! And it tastes good.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Last Single Birthday..

By single I mean without child :)

It was a good day.  All my students wished me lots of happy birthdays and kept a smile on my face.  Then when I came home my husband was already back to surprise me...

two dozen roses, body pillow, and card

I've been waiting for these since we found out we were prego! 


He did wonderful!  And I've been really blessed to have him as my body changes so much.  I need to be told I'm beautiful more often so i don't just feel like a whale... lol

We also went out for a wonderful dinner at Alma (!  Eric googled "organic restaurants" and then we picked our top choice.  We have eaten here before and wanted to go back.  Its yummy!  Three courses and desert!  I also had a NA Beer that tasted wonderful.

Seared Sea Scallops
cauliflower two ways, cumin mojo & cippolini onions 

 Pork Loin & Smoked Belly
roasted grapes, escarole & saba 
Overall, turning 29 was great!  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

My BUTT hurts...

I've been having the most discomfort in my buttocks!  I thought it was so strange and couldn't understand the connection to my pregnancy BUT after a little research I found it is actually very common during this time of my pregnancy and may worsen.

It is related to my ligaments stretching and uterus expanding causing the muscle deep in my butt check to move out of place.  Crazy!  It gets sore real fast and then seems to stay sore more the time.

I guess I can continue to ask my husband to massage it.. hehehe but it just seems to remain sore.  It is causing me to move around A LOT while sitting and sleeping.

I also just learned about the RELAXIN hormone that helps my whole body physically become a bit looser.  I mean I need to prepare to carry a baby deliver an extremely large human out of my tiny body parts :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

15 Weeks

I'm officially used to being pregnant... I think!  And I am starting to enjoy more than just the outcome.  You see, being pregnant is a miracle and knowing that a baby is the outcome is so amazing and wonderful, BUT all the changes to your body and emotions are much more than you can prepare for.

I have had so much going on physically: constipation, headaches, dry skin, runny nose, stuffy nose, blurred vision, ligament pains, sore butt, constant peeing, growing belly, lose of breath, exhaustion, gas, lots of burping, random pains all over, waking up to readjust while sleeping and I'm sure WAY more but I'm not thinking of it all at the moment.

I have had just as much going on emotionally: extreme excitement, obsessive thoughts about what I am eating and doing to keep our baby safe, dramatic dreams and nightmares, loneliness, desire to drink, overwhelmed easily, out of control and then completely in control and joy.

BUT NOW I am getting used to all this and acquiring more of an understanding as to why all this is happening.  I have found some good books, resources, midwives, friends, and more that I can rely on and find comfort in.  I'm starting to feel in control of what is happening and not so unsure of my every move.  I have always had a fear of getting pregnant and then having a healthy baby.  By this I mean, I am scared to death of having a child with special needs (mentally or physically).  I think part of this is because I am a teacher and have worked with all types of kids but I really don't understand these fears or why I'm so scared.  When i went to a holistic doctor, before I was pregnant, I expressed this huge fear of mine and she simply said, "So what would happen if you had a kid with special needs?" and my reply was, "the kid would be really lucky to have us as his parents."  This did bring some comfort to me and in all reality I believe we would be amazing parents to any kid.  So again, NOW I am feeling more in control and have realized that I have done everything I can to make and keep a healthy baby growing inside me so if anything is unique about him/her it is out of my control.  I actually only believe that last statement about 90% but that is a LOT more than before.

The other thing that I cannot wait for is when i am finally able to FEEL my baby!  I hear it should happen this month!!!!  I can't wait.  I'm also really excited for Eric to be able to feel the baby.  I know he has tons of his own emotions going on right now about fatherhood (although WAY LESS than me because he magically doesn't let things bother him) and I can't wait for our baby to become more real for him.  

We have settled in to our new lifestyle and have lots of things to look forward too.

15 Weeks 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Aspartame = Bad News Bears!

This article is a MUST READ and then adjust your life to get aspartame OUT!  I started reading about it in a book "Skinny Bitch: Bun in the Oven" and then googled and then researched and then made a conscious decision to avoid aspartame at all costs.

Next read this list of items containing aspartame:

Last do your own research and let me know if you find anything good.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

14 Weeks

Baby: Navel Orange (4.5 inches, 2 to 3 oz)
Me: 25 Weeks to go and growing!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pregnancy Headaches SUCK

I didn't get headaches very often before this little one was inside me and now I have one almost every day :(  The last two days it has woken me up (also a weekend so I really wanted to sleep in).  I know its normal and just one of the many prices my body has to pay right now, but it really stinks.

One of our midwives said that a Tylenol and Coke are a great headache remedy.  I haven't tried this yet, but I will be willing to very soon.  However, I'm not a Coke (or soda) drinking so it seems strange to pick up the habit.  I do want to see if it works, so I'll test it out.

That's all folks.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Shared Wisdom: Session 1

We attending our first "Shared Wisdom" class for mom's and dad's due in April (I'm due in may but early so they added me to this group).  It is lead by two midwifes and a lactation consultant (she is some other things too but i can't remember).  We will attend this class/monthly check in instead of making individual appointments throughout our pregnancy.

Eric and I learned how to take our own blood pressure and record all my other information.  We then met with one midwife privately and heard the heartbeat!  This time the baby was front and center and moving all around.  As she was looking for the heartbeat, I got so anxious but the second the 160 beat per minute sound came about I was SO happy and amazed.  I can't wait to see him/her at the ultrasound soon.

Speaking of the ultrasound... I can't decide if I want to find out the sex of our baby yet.  Eric has always wanted to and I haven't but I'm being persuaded.  Its a hard decision.  The main reason I DONT want to find out is for the delivery.  I believe it will be so much more exciting and filled with positive anticipation if we don't know what is coming out!  I also think this is a type of surprise better than other other surprise i can imagine!!  I DO want to find out for the planning of the baby's belongings and picking a name.  AHHHHH what to do (in a good way).  Also, everyone has their own opinion of what to do so thats a little annoying but whatever.

Weight:  I have gained TWO pounds.  Not bad.  I'm feeling ok about this.  I have been doing weight training two days a week and walking about two miles 5 days a week.  I even made it to the gym today for more cardo!

Back to the Shared Wisdom class:  After all this we all sat around in a circle and shared things and asked questions.  That weeks share was, "What are you most surprised about that has happened during your pregnancy so far."  The men and women were asked to answer this.  I said constipation and exhaustion.  Eric agreed that he could believe how tired I had been through my first trimester.  Two of the other women shared that they have not been able to sleep and having nightmares.  I have noticed that my dreams are way more vivid and sometimes slightly more like a nightmare but nothing too bad.  I have also been sleeping really GOOD and enjoying that aspect of pregnancy.  However, that night i had THREE nightmares and was up most the night!  Gezzzzzzz.  Today, we bought a new KING size bed and I'm so excited for its arrival.  I'm obsessed with sheets and looking forward to buying them :)

Overall, we enjoyed the class and are looking forward to more meaningful monthly check ins than just the 15 minute heartbeat and vitals.  Eric did say that he hates when women talk all calm and slow and soothing... lol which is what two of the three women that lead the class were like.  I love seeing how different each of our bodies are.  I am most excited to meet and develop relationships with other expecting parents in our area.  We will have a class after all our babies are born too.

Now, I have to get on taking weekly pictures because my bump is popped and continuing to grow :)